Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Threat That Can No Longer Be Ignored !!!

Editor-in-Chic: Nia Langley

There is a very big storm brewing in America and it comes in the form of Donald Trump. The 

radicalized billionaire has been on tour of hate since the inception of his campaign, pushing the 

limits on rhetoric against all Non-Aryan races constantly. The dangers of this man deserve the 

utmost attention and the utmost disgust. The fact Trump leads significantly in Republican 

national polls sickens me. The nightmare of him becoming president haunts me in the day. My 

soul roams back in the annals of history to a time of chains and bondage.  Yet the thing that hurts 

the most is the fact that people are buying in.  In a recent poll released by USA Today, 68% of 

his supporters say they would vote for him even if he left the Republican Party. Considering the 

fact that he leads in many states, he could very well leave and still have a reasonable shot at the 

White House. 

We have written him off too long, his numbers continue to grow the more his hate speech is 

spoken. This is no coincidence, and he is slowly picking away on how much we will him allow 

him to say. Like a child with no discipline, it is time for the land of the free to stand up and say 

“NO MORE.” No more to your blatant racism. No more to your toxic, retroactive, and feeble-

minded way of thinking. No longer should the airwaves open their stations as platforms for his 

message. All the while, people are ignoring the fact that he is spoon feeding us the tranquilizing 

drug of gradualism. Are ratings really worth more than morals? Should our sense of decency be 

thrown aside because our tongues remain silent in the face of fear? 

To his supporters, I will pray for you. I pray that God gives you the clarity and understanding in 

the error of your ways. America is home to many different races and people of many different 

faiths. This is what makes our country so great – the fact that you can be who you want to be 

without the fear of persecution. I hope the dark past of our country’s history remains opaque 

without the possibility of ever finding light on our bold trail of equality. Racism is a primitive 

way of thinking that often leads to disastrous results. Following or supporting Trump’s words or 

actions devalues the very Constitution that makes us American. You must ask yourselves: who is 

the bigger fool; the fool or the fools that follow the fool? 

Now, to our Muslim Americans and Refugees: on behalf of the American people, I offer my 

sincerest apologies. I apologize that there is chance that Trump can become president. I 

apologize for the support that this distasteful recommendation has garnered. I apologize that the 

air of exceptionalism surrounding this cohort has misplaced their sense of duty and compassion. 

I am sorry that too often people see humans yet forget to see humanity. You see, like you, we 

understand how the opinions and radical actions of the few can skew the view and cast 

aspersions on the many. The majority of Americans are not hateful, and do not follow in the 

footsteps of Donald Trump. Same as a majority of you are not terrorists who do not support the 

actions of extremism. I can only ask that you take these words as comfort during these trying 

